Utilizing random regression models for genomic prediction of a longitudinal trait derived from high-throughput phenotyping

Published in Plant Direct, 2018

Recommended citation: Campbell, M.T., H. Walia, and G. Morota. 2018. Utilizing random regression models for genomic prediction of a longitudinal trait derived from high-throughput phenotyping. Plant Direct 2(9): e00080. http://malachycampbell.github.io/files/Campbell_2018_PD.pdf

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This paper utilized a random regression approach for genomic prediction of longitudinal shoot growth trajectories in rice.

Campbell, M.T., H. Walia, and G. Morota. 2018. Utilizing random regression models for genomic prediction of a longitudinal trait derived from high-throughput phenotyping. Plant Direct 2(9): e00080. https://doi.org/10.1002/pld3.80